EU industry production: From an online dataset to a visualization of key trends

Table of contents TL;DR I give a high-level description and discussion of the projects in this portfolio that deal with the analysis of the EU industry production dataset, from finding the data to possible next steps. Long Description In this report, I cover all the way from identifying a dataset on the EU countries’ industry…

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Spotting trends in the manufacturing growth dynamics: Which region grew the fastest?

Table of contents TL;DR I use the visualization of the EU countries’ manufacturing growth rate with a pandas/matplotlib bar chart to show that the performance mostly depends on geographical position: the East beats the South. Long Description In the previous project, I plotted the growth dynamics of the EU countries’ industry production manufacturing branch, measured…

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Different countries’ growth dynamics at a glance with bar charts

Table of contents TL;DR I use pandas’ interface to the matplotlib library to create bar charts that visualize the manufacturing growth dynamics of European countries. Long Description I read in the dataframe that contains the slope and intercept parameter values from the linear regression with scikit-learn that I performed in the last project. Using the…

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Removing common trends from a set of time series to highlight their differences

Table of contents TL;DR I divide the EU industry production index time series for each country by the smoothed EU average time series to bring out the countries’ individual development for further modeling. Long Description Using a chain of pandas methods to obtain a rolling-mean average, I smooth the EU average time series of the…

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Exploring the industry production history with EDA

Table of contents TL;DR I use statistical and graphical tools to perform exploratory data analysis (EDA) on the EU industry production dataset as a starting point for modeling the time series. Long Description With the help of the pandas describe method and the matplotlib package I explore the statistics of the EU industry production dataset,…

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